Five reasons why you should buy the SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art

In the market for a 50mm prime? Find out why we think the SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art is the best option on the market. Featured product / Featured product / 50mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art This full-frame standard prime for DSLR cameras is one of the best-respected ultra-wide-aperture 50mm lenses […]

“73 Cows” with the SIGMA | Art lenses by Oliver Walton, of Fix 8 Films

Cinematographer Oliver Walton share his thoughts on why he used SIGMA lenses on this BAFTA award winning short, 73 Cows. When prepping for the 73 cows documentary, we knew we didn’t have any outside resource to hire expensive cine lenses. So the decision we made was to use my existing lenses which include the SIGMA […]

The Light Keeper | An interview with Tamas Levardi

We caught up with filmmaker Tamas Levardi as he premieres his latest short film ‘The Light Keeper’, shot entirely on the SIGMA 20mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art and SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art. His film explores the struggles and finding your own path as a creative and searching for “the light”. A […]

Meet the master of strobe-lit automotive photography!

I’m Ian, and I photograph beautiful cars in my spare time when I’m not doing my day job as a UX Designer. I’m a dual citizen of the UK and US, and currently live in Los Angeles. I spent most of my life in the UK, but moved to the States about 16 years ago. […]