Our strict control programme over product design and manufacturing mean that all Sigma products are fully RoHS compliant, minimising the harmful effect that manufacturing may have on the environment.
With the implementation of the EU’s Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive and our continued environmentally aware product design and manufacturing programme, we can minimise any negative effect on the environment for our future.
The European Union’s ‘Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive aims to reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill. It also aims to ensure that recovered WEEE is treated to appropriate standards and targets.
The WEEE directive has begun its implementation in the EU member states as of August 2005. The directive aims to recover 4kg of separately collected WEEE per head of the population.
Products that fall within the scope of WEEE display this symbol, either on the product itself or on the outer packaging. At the end of its life, the product should be sent out to a designated collection facility or returned to the retailer when a similar, new product is purchased. Due to the potentially hazardous substances which may be found in electrical equipment, improper handling of this type of waste could have a negative effect on the environment and human health. Therefore, your cooperation in helping correctly dispose of such products will contribute to the environment and help reduce the unnecessary usage of natural resources.
Sigma Imaging (UK) Ltd’s Producer Registration Number is WEE/KA0070TY
A number of Designated Collection Facilities (DCFs) are being established throughout the UK due to the implementation of the WEEE directive. These facilities allow consumers of dispose of their waste electrical items where they will be correctly treated and recycled. For details of DCF’s in your area, visit the www.recycle-more.co.uk website.
The closest DCF to Sigma Imaging (UK) Ltd is:
Cole Green HWRC
Along A414 Bypass
Cole Green
SG14 2NL
In addition to items under the WEEE regulations, this DCF also takes Car Batteries, Garden Waste, Glass Bottles/Jars (Mixed), Car Oil, Aerosols, Mixed Metal Food & Drink Cans, Mixed Scrap Metal, Mixed Paper (incl Newspapers, Junkmail, Magazines), Fridges & Freezers.
If you are a business user and have a Sigma product which you no longer require and would like it collected for recycling, please click here for full instructions. Please be aware that only items sold after 13th August 2005 are included as WEEE and therefore any items sold before this date should be disposed of in the usual responsible manner.
As the flashgun was put onto the market before 13th August 2005, there is no legal requirement to recycle it. However, if you wish to help the environment, you could still take it to your nearest WEEE recycling point (Designated Collection Facility), details of which can be found at www.recycle-more.co.uk.
If you are purchasing an equivalent product, you can return it to your retailer and they will be able to arrange recycling. Otherwise, you are required to take it to a designated collection facility, details of which can be found at www.recycle-more.co.uk.
No. The DTI decided that lenses are not included as WEEE because the primary function of a lens does not require electricity.
If your electrical accessories were purchased as a boxed kit with the camera, they are classed as WEEE. If however they were purchased separately and don’t show the WEEE logo, they do not fall under the scope of WEEE.
For general information about recycling, both on a local and national level, visit the Recycle More website. This website also gives full details of Designated Collection Facilities in your area. www.recycle-more.co.uk
This website offers a quick and easy way to find recycling centres in your area. www.recyclenow.com/where_to_recycle
The Environment Agency provide information on the enforcement of the WEEE Regulations for England and Wales. This website offers further reading regarding recycling, the environment the WEEE directive. http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/weee
Business users wishing to return Sigma waste electrical items under the WEEE directive should visit the Budget Pack website which gives full instructions on how to do so.
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