The more I use this camera the more I’m finding similarities to shooting medium format film. Huge file sizes yes. Slow write times yes but using this camera requires a different mind-set compared to most other digital cameras I’ve used. Forget the ‘machine gun’ approach and consider this camera as a medium format camera where speed is not a major concern as this camera is about slowing down and thinking. The rewards are more image definition than you will know what to do with! Certainly at ISOs less than 400 this camera (if used within its limitations) and if used with care easily rivals other cameras costing many thousands more.

About Stewart Weir /
Stewart Weir’s interest in photography started back in the late 70s when his dad gave him his first camera. Since then, he has a continued passion for photography, as is now working as a freelance photographer. Stewart has been commissioned to produce images for over 40 books and has travelled extensively on assignments throughout Europe, Asia and North America. His work has also been featured in high profile publications, including National Geographic Traveller, The British Journal of Photography and various news publications.