Never before has a full-frame lens been produced with a 14mm focal length and an F1.4 aperture. This ultra-wide-angle, ultra-wide-aperture combo is PERFECT for night sky images because it lets in a huge amount of light for maximum star detail. The 14mm F1.4 is extremely sharp even wide open, and displays almost no sagittal coma flare even in the far corners of the frame. Tim from Sigma heads into the woods to show you a bit more about what this incredible optic can do…
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14mm F1.4 DG DN | Art

This full-frame, ultra-wide-angle prime for mirrorless cameras is perfect for night sky photography, landscapes, interiors, weddings, travel and architecture. Its ultra-wide aperture of F1.4 ensures very fast shutter speeds in lower light conditions, as well as a very shallow depth-of-field for pronounced subject separation.